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Monday, April 2, 2012

I've got the sickies :(

I have a confession to make.  When I get sick, I turn into a big baby.  I am a lady, and yet I always manage to get man-colds.  You know, the ones where even though it is a normal cold, the fact that it is happening to you means that no one on the planet has ever suffered this much ever? Yeah.  those ones.

I am currently sick with one of those colds, which I will begin calling the Lez-Cold.  I went to work this morning, and lasted an hour.  Whined to myself the whole way home (all .9 miles of it...), and proceeded to camp out on the couch under the heated blanket with the Raisin-cat.

(exhibit A)

I can't stop coughing. My lungs feel like I decided to smoke a whole pack of menthols in one night. This is not the case. All we have around the house is that nasty daytime cold medicine that is so orange it even TASTES like orange (the color. not the fruit), and it isn't doing the trick.

After spending the morning perusing the internet between coughing fits and whining, I brewed up a pot of Ginger Lemon Honey tea. I am on my second quart of the stuff and feeling better!  I swear, easy cheap natural remedies made from stuff you find in your kitchen work TONS better than anything a pharmacy sells.

Next time you have a cold, be it "man-," "lez-," or regular type,  brew yourself up a batch of this and you'll feel a bit better.

Ginger Lemon Honey Tea

ok...this is super simple, so I don't have measurements...

Grab a medium saucepot.  Peel an inch-long piece of ginger, and slice it as thinly as you can into the pot. Add in a Tablespoon or two of lemon juice, and cover it all up with water.  Bring the whole thing to a boil, and drizzle in as much honey as you would like.  boil it for about 10 minutes, and pour it into your drinking container of choice, straining out any chunks.


Bonus tip: if you happen to have mint tea laying around, add that to the mix while it is boiling.  yum!

This stuff is working wonders! Here are a few handy little facts for you:

Ginger: Ginger has been shown to be an effective remedy for nausea. It has also long been used as a natural treatment for colds and the flu. Many people also find ginger to be helpful in the case of stomach flus or food poisoning, which is not surprising given the positive effects ginger has upon the digestive tract.

Lemon: Lemons are highly valued for their vitamin C content. It is believed that consuming more vitamin C will reduce the risk of catching a cold and reduce its severity.


Honey: In addition to being just plain delicious, honey reduces cough by coating and soothing an irritated throat.

Not to mention all the water you're drinking with it!  And your house smells fantastic as a bonus! yay!

Hopefully you'll never have cause to use this, but if you do, Enjoy!

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