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Wednesday, May 30, 2012



I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. i have been a busy little housedyke... Today I am going to talk you through my favorite project from this weekend... Homemade Greek Yogurt!

it is so easy! Mine turned out perfectly, and I didn't even have a thermometer!

all you need is a gallon of organic milk, (can't be ultra-pasteurized) and a little container of plain yogurt. oh, and a crock pot and some cheesecloth :)

heat up the milk in your crockpot until JUST before the boiling point. then take the crock out and set it on the counter until it is lukewarm (around 108 degrees) then add the yogurt in and mix well. put the lid on the crock and wrap it in towels, placing it into the oven with the light on to keep it warm (around 100 degrees) if your light is broken like mine, then turn the oven on to warm for a couple minutes right before putting in the yogurt. let it sit overnight (8-12 hours) to thicken, then pour it into a collander lined with 4 layers of cheesecloth sitting in a bowl, and stick it in your fridge for 3-4 hrs to thicken. Then pull it out and twist up the corners of thee bag, squeezing out the whey. Tie a string just below wher the bag is twisted, and set it back in the collander. Put a coffee mug in the bowl and set the collander on top so it is held above the liquid, and put it in the fridge for another hour or two. When you pull it out, the yogurt should have decreased in volume by half. Just scrape it into a container with a spatula, and keep it in the fridge for up to a week. I like mixing mine with honey, and flax meal, and stawberries :)...yum!

tips: save a cup of your yogurt to use as starter for nex time. also, don't throw away your whey...it has tons of uses!


  1. yum : ) I've wanted to make my own yogurt for quite some time but have been a little afraid! You make it sound easy...but isn't it dangerous to not use a thermometer? That is what put me off for a while.

  2. To the best of my knowledge it should be fine...I've been doing it for over a month now with no ill effects :) eating some as I type this, actually!
